Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Racial Profiling Is A Special Case Of Discrimination

Racial Profiling According to a report conducted by Prejudice Institute (2001), â€Å"Racial Profiling,† racial profiling is a special case of discrimination. The concern with profiling began, and is primarily, focused, on police stopping motorists and searching their vehicles because of the driver s ethnicity. This is where the term â€Å"Driving while Black† came to light in 1989. Such actual unconventional policies exist in many police departments. Uncovering it often depends on the testimony of the officer. In New Jersey, Black and Hispanic state troopers have testified that they were forced to engage in profiling by their commanders (Prejudice Institute, 2001). Racial profiling often goes hand and hand with other practices by law enforcement, often the defining moments of the life or death situation for African-Americans. In three different studies analyzing the decision time to shoot or not to shoot conducted by Correll, all findings found â€Å"participants were quicker to shoot the armed African American than the armed White. Conversely the participants were quicker to â€Å"not shoot† the unarmed White. The most common errors were shooting the unarmed African American and not-shooting the armed White. All of these results are consistent with a Black-crime implicit bias and this bias was found in both African American and White participants. Community Policing-Police Brutality Recently a high school graduate, African-American, teen boy, Michael Brown was gunned down in the streetsShow MoreRelatedRacial Profiling, An Unjust Act And A Big Problem1452 Words   |  6 PagesAccording to the 11 Facts about Racial Discrimination, †Å"The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics concluded that an African American male born in 2001 has a 32% chance of going to jail in his lifetime, while a Latino male has a 17% chance, and a white male only has a 6% chance† (11 Facts about Racial Discrimination 1). Racial profiling, or discriminating against a whole group of people based on their race, is an unjust act and a big problem in our society today. Arresting people because of how they lookRead MoreAn Argument Against Racial Profiling by Police1379 Words   |  6 PagesRacial profiling in the dictionary is â€Å"the assumption of criminality among ethnic groups: the alleged policy of some police to attribute criminal intentions to members of some ethnic groups and to stop and question them in disproportionate numbers without probable cause (â€Å"Racial Profiling†).† In other words racial profiling is making assumptions that certain individuals are more likely to be involved in misconduct or criminal activ ity based on that individual’s race or ethnicity. Racial profilingRead MoreRacial Profiling Is A Breach Of Justice1491 Words   |  6 PagesRacial profiling is considered to be a breach of justice in the US. It is the use of someone’s race or ethnicity by law enforcement in deciding whether or not to stop, search, or arrest an individual. The practice of racial profiling is still very controversial today and is considered illegal in many jurisdictions. It is hard to say whether racial profiling is ethical or not. Profiling based on gender, race, or ethnicity is just the way our minds work; it’s natural. We create ‘profiles’ of howRead MoreRacial Profiling And Discrimination By Claudia Rankine s Citizen : An American Lyric Essay1366 Words   |  6 PagesRacial profiling and discrimination is an underlining theme in Claudia Rankine’s Citizen: An American Lyric. The author uses everyday encounters to expose the harsh reality African American people live. Rankine’s perspective on racism is applicable to years dating from 1860 and to present day occurrences. Discrimination against African Americans is a continuing problem. Although slavery does not exist today, African Americans continually grieve the agony their ancestors faced throughout the CivilRead MoreNew York’S Stop And Frisk Laws Started In 2004, Heightening1391 Words   |  6 Pages New York’s Stop and Frisk laws started i n 2004, heightening racial profiling in the criminal justice system. Law enforcement supports these discriminatory acts by stating the population will benefit from New York’s Stop and Frisk, because the government will stop the crimes before they are committed. These stops are still denoted unconstitutional by the people. The government supports stop and frisk built on the fact that the new law stops crime however, it does not. Today, people are afraidRead MoreRacial Profiling in Different Ways791 Words   |  3 PagesRacial Profiling has been used by law enforcement officials from early 60’s during the civil rights movement. The term â€Å"racial profiling† which was introduced to criticize abusive police practices against people of different race, ethnicity or national origin. One must assess how to understand the practice, and how to keep it distinct from other issues. Racial profiling is defined as â€Å"any police-initiated action that relies on the race, ethnicity, or national origin, rather than the behavior of anRead MoreTerrorism and Racial Profiling Essay966 Words   |  4 Pages Before September 11 we had almost succeeded in eliminating racial profiling, After September 11, its a whole new world, says Michel Shehadeh of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) in the western region. One thousand Arab Americans have already been detained and we dont know who they are or what charges have been brought against them. Of those 1,147 Arabs and Arab Americans who have been detained, exactly zero have been charged with any formal offense in connectionRead MoreThe Existance of Racism Essay1072 Words   |  5 Pages â€Å"A world map of countries whose citizens are affected by Special Registration now overlaps almost exactly with the map of Muslim-majority countries, extending from Algeria to Indonesia† (Engler, Sarkar 97). According to the American Heritage College Dictionary, racism has two meanings. Firstly, racism is, â€Å"Discrimination or prejudice based on race.† Dr. Eduardo Bonilla-Silva says, â€Å"There is a strong empirical evidence of the persistence of racism in American Society American Society. 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For example, when a police officer decides to only stop African Americans, he is racially profiling; if he decides to exclude all African Americans from any stops he conducts, he is also racially profiling. Racial profiling is a form of discrimination people generally

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