Sunday, December 29, 2019

Teenage Pregnancy Research Paper - 2232 Words

Teenage pregnancy is a serious issue in our society today where people become pregnant because they are not informed. The United States had the greatest amount of pregnancies. Teenage pregnancy affects not only females but males as well; it causes serious health and education problems. â€Å"Nearly 4 out of 10 girls become pregnant at least once before the age of 20.† () Most teens get pregnant because they want to know what it feels like to raise a child or because they see others with children and they find them cute and want them to themselves. Others get pregnant because they don’t know about the different ways of contraception and ways to stay safe. Many girls struggle with teen pregnancy because of their low confidence and self-worth.†¦show more content†¦43). Teen girls who have a low self esteem often think that giving guys what they want is a plus, but the truth is it’s not. Many parents don’t sit down with their kids and discuss the dan gers of sexual intercourse because they believe that it will encourage their kids to have sex (â€Å"Teen† 1). A majority of parents think that not setting a curfew, rules, or standards is being a good parent but the truth is those are the major keys to good parenting. When parents allow their children to go out and do what they want, those parents are the ones that often end up dealing with their own pregnant teens (â€Å"Teen† 1). Many teens ALSO become pregnant because of their view on abstinence (Garth 115). Teens who have a lack of knowledge are often because of abstinence only. More than 50% of teens confess that they don’t understand intercourse or birth control (Teen 1). A large amount of females are constantly receiving text messages about sex. The media plays a huge role on teens about how sex is so called â€Å"in†, but the equal treatment for birth control methods are eliminated. When a teen girl doesn’t have goals for her future or doe sn’t have control over her life she is also a greater chance that she will become pregnant. â€Å"Depression causes girls to engage in risky sexual activity† (Lisa W. 44). Drugs and alcohol lead they way for bad choices about contraception. When teens haveShow MoreRelatedResearch Paper On Teenage Pregnancy3689 Words   |  15 PagesMajor Research Paper Maple Teenage Pregnancy Teenage Pregnancy- when a young female conceives a child and is under the age of 20 by the end of the pregnancy period. How do these young girls cope with pregnancy at such a young age? Pregnant teens may be worried about how to tell their family and what everybody else will think about the situation. They In my paper I am going to talk about the risk factors, causes, choices of what to do with the child, health risks for an infant of a teenage motherRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy Research Paper1865 Words   |  8 PagesganZila Arias 19 May 2011 Mod. 16-18 Research Paper-Rough Draft Adolescent Pregnancy, also known as Teenage Pregnancy, is the period where teenage girls are at a stage where their mind is a bit undeveloped and carry around a fetus in their uterus. Did you know that the U.S. has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world? It’s strictly because when you’re in your teenage years, it’s the time to have fun, you’re worry-free, and your living life to the fullest. However, severalRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy Essay772 Words   |  4 Pageschildhood experiences create risk factors that can impact teenage pregnancy? The answer is multifaceted and complex, but an important consequence of teenage pregnancy is to the baby itself. Children of teenage mothers have more health issues, are more likely to be abused, be less educated, and more likely to become criminals (Hillis, et al., 2004, p. 2). Moreover, because teenage mothers are poorer and have less emotional support, children of teenage mothers are more l ikely to be abused both physicallyRead MoreThe Socio Economic Factors Of Teenage Pregnancy1517 Words   |  7 PagesTeenage pregnancy is normally identified as deprived life choice, for example, tasks of teenage parenting have long-term impact on the mental health of the mother and children (Statistics New Zealand, 2003). It is important to identify the socio economic factors of teenage pregnancy to lower the chances of mental health problems in young mothers. In this paper the aim is to analyse the main socio economic factors of teenage pregnancy and discuss how it affects the mental health of an adolescent motherRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy1743 Words   |  7 Pagesnegative media teenage mothers struggle to find the positive sides to motherhood. Teenage pregnancy can be dificult and life changing, but unlike the renowned negative beliefs all over the world, there are positive sides to teenage pregnancy. Most research that is done on teen pregnancy is based on th e hardships and struggles on teen mothers, making it easy to forget the good that can come from teen pregnancy. A teenage mother can create a good life for herself and her children. Teenage mothers areRead MoreThe Factors Of Teenage Pregnancy1558 Words   |  7 PagesTeenage pregnancy is normally identified as a deprived life choice, for example, tasks of teenage parenting have long-term impact on the mental health of the mother and children (Statistics New Zealand, 2003). It is important to identify the socioeconomic factors of teenage pregnancy to lower the chances of mental health problems in young mothers. In this paper the aim is to analyse the main socioeconomic factors of teenage pregnancy and discuss how it affects the mental health of an adolescent motherRead MoreEssay on Implications of Teenage Pregnancy in the United States1457 Words   |  6 Pagesincidence of teenage pregnancy has generally been in decline since 1991, the causes and effects of underage childbearing h as continued to be a big burden on families, the public and government. Babies having babies is the simplistic way that some people have described the specter of having a baby while teenager are unprepared. The United State case study which is the subject of this paper is unique, even though reflecting the same generic features with teenagers elsewhere in the world. Teenage pregnancyRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy Rates Among Ethnicities1059 Words   |  5 Pages Teen Pregnancy Rates Among Ethnicities Dr. Maria Reid Florida International University Friday, June 17, 2016 Vanessa Romano Stephanie Maquieira Teenage pregnancy has been viewed as an issue for many years, not only for teenage mothers but for babies as well. Much importance has been placed on this subject for the reason that although these rates are declining, they remain elevated. The United States represents over 600,000 American teen pregnancies every year, making this the highestRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy Amongst Blacks and Hispanic Teenagers956 Words   |  4 PagesTeenage Pregnancies among Blacks and Hispanics 11/09/2012 Tina Trent TEENAGE PREGNANCY AMONG BLACK amp; HISPANIC GIRLS Birth rates in African American and Hispanic teens are substantially higher than whites, a trend that has persisted for decades. Even though pregnancy rates among teens are at an all time low. It is still a major issue but mostly affecting the urban communities. In this research paper I will be comparing and demonstrating the relationshipsRead MoreThe Age Of The Pill1530 Words   |  7 Pageswere made available. By the 20th Century, teen pregnancy was the norm. The prevention of unintended adolescent pregnancy has become an important goal of our society. Although adolescent pregnancy and birth rates have been steadily decreasing, many adolescents still become pregnant. The purpose of this research paper is to review the history, current status, programs and the future of teen pregnancy. History In the early 20th Century, teen pregnancy was the norm. Women were lucky to get an education

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Songlines, Ovid s Metamorphoses, And The Book Of Genesis

Creation stories are used to tell the tale of how the world came to be. They vary culture to culture and help people connect with and understand new perspectives. In the works The Songlines, Ovid’s Metamorphoses, and the Book of Genesis, three very different stories of creation are depicted and are each significantly impactful in cultures and societies. In The Songlines, written by Bruce Chatwin, the beginning of the world is explained from the perspective of the Australian Aboriginals. The first day began with the Sun feeling the urge to be born. It, â€Å"burst through the surface, flooding the land with golden light, warming the hollows under which each Ancestors lay sleeping,† leading to the awakening of the Ancestors and the birth of†¦show more content†¦All Aboriginal people believe that through walking and singing the land, they will one day find their tjurunga and their ancestor their dreaming matches up with. Even though many people disagreed with the way the Aboriginals lived, they have stood true to their beliefs since the beginning of time. In Ovid’s Metamorphoses, the world came to be in a much different way than in The Songlines. A â€Å"Great Creator† separated the Earth and the sky, the sea from the land, and the heavens from the the air.3 In this work, not only did Ovid describe the creation of the world, he also wrote about how the â€Å"things† of the world came to be. The Metamorphoses are filled with stories about the gods getting angry with the humans and punishing them for their actions. The first one written is about Lycaon and the god Jupiter. Lycaon questions Jupiter’s legitimacy and then tries to trick him. Outraged, Jupiter turns Lycaon into a wolf and floods the earth, only sparing one man, Deucalion, and one woman, Pyrrha, because of their devotedness to the gods. This is not the only example of this and is seen again with Arachne and the goddess Minerva. Minerva, a cu nning and confident goddess, approached Arachne and challenged her to competition: weaving. After the competition came to an end, Minerva turned her rival Arachne into a spider out of rage for being defeated. 4 Stories like these can be found throughout the entirety of the Metamorphoses. The whole

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Electronic Marketing for Hotel Cremorne Point - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theElectronic Marketing for Hotel Cremorne Point Manor. Answer: Introduction The online platform is the latest trend globally which is well accepted by millions of users. E-marketing is a significant segment of the market that increases the reach and involvement of potential customers due to which the stability of the Hotel Cremorne Point Manor increases gradually. The implementation of e-marketing strategy in the business of Hotel Cremorne Point Manor will gain an additional advantage in the competitive market as customers at current trend prefer online platforms rather than visiting stores. E-marketing will significantly increase the awareness of the company around the world which will help to gain and attract various customers. This, in turn, will be profitable for the business of the hotel. The initiation of the strategy of e-marketing will critically enhance the quality of the products and services, guest satisfaction as well as strategic choices. The quality of the products and services offered by the Hotel Cremorne Point Manor will be enhanced by promo ting its brand and various offers in an online platform. This, in turn, will significantly increase the satisfaction of the guests which is a crucial factor in terms of business standardization. Hence, it will essentially impact on the strategic choices made by the Hotel Cremorne Point Manor in terms of quality services as well as customer satisfaction. Upon the fulfillment of each factor initiated by the company will significantly provide the company with huge success. Each of the factors is unique in terms of characteristics towards success for achieving a better result in terms of benefit of the Hotel Cremorne Point Manor. The learner in this report has critically focused on the initiation of e-marketing in the Hotel Cremorne Point Manor and their differences in terms of results. In this report, each of the success factors is critically described which will be benefitted for the company. However, there is a significant need for analyzing the adverse effect of the wrong implementa tion of e-marketing in the Hotel Cremorne Point Manor and it is precisely identified in the report. E-Marketing Initiatives in Terms of Critical Success Factors The Hotel Cremorne Point Manor is an essential hotel situated in the city of Sydney, Australia. It established in the nineteenth century and considered as one of the international four-star hotels in Australia. Its management incorporates by the government of New South Wales which provides efficient services to its customers and is significantly used for providing lodging to various potential visitors (Boone Kurtz, 2013). It is one of the significant infrastructures in terms of hospitality and tourism industry. Tourism is a key monetary driver producing more than 94,000 occupations and contributing $9 billion toward the Western Australian economy. As an industry, accommodation is the 7th biggest segment in Australia, with around 796,500 specialists and developing. As these divisions keep on growing, it is critical for businesses in the business to be helped to remember the laws that they should agree to specifically what rights their workers have (Molenaar, 2013). Hospitality and to urism industry is a worldwide business that is typically raising its standards in a regular basis. Hotel Cremorne Point Manor is a significant entity that is creating a huge impact on this industry due to which various tourists are attaining the privileges of its products and services. Quality Products E-marketing initiatives that should be taken by this organization are critical in terms of achieving its success factors (Trusov, Bucklin Pauwels, 2009). The quality of products is an essential segment that enhances the standards of the business of Hotel Cremorne Point Manor. The extensive greater part of Internet surfers utilizes websites to discover data about lodgings or travel goals on the web (West, Ford Ibrahim, 2015). This makes web crawlers a standout amongst the best instruments in driving focused on activity to a lodging's or goal's site. In todays trend customers seek to visit the places which they can afford which is critical in terms of market segmentation. The quick spread in the utilization of the web and the expansion in access to web based business and online appointments has certainly been an aid to the neighborliness business. This has a direct relation in terms of products and services offered by the hotel. The expanding rate of visitors booking their lodging ro oms online has enhanced the booking rate of inns as well as let them pass on weighty rebates to the clients (Buhalis Wagner, 2013). Guest Satisfaction Satisfying each visitor through fulfilling the needs and demands with the current trend is desired by the company. The approach of internet booking has been a win-win circumstance for the lodgings and the clients. Next, with such a large number of visitors from around the globe rushing to the web to book their rooms and plan their agendas, inns are swinging to internet advertising of their items. This has the impact of contacting a more extensive visitor base as the lodgings require not oblige their promoting endeavors to close-by spots and topography is no longer a restricting variable for inns (Butow Bollwitt, 2012). The demise of separation occurred with globalization where the specialist co-ops and the clients were united by the web independent of where they are and where they needed to execute business. Additionally, internet showcasing by inns has the advantage of the inns connecting with clients everywhere throughout the world and the visitors and business voyagers from anypl ace can book their inn rooms wherever with no limitation (Journal of World Business). This, in turn, provides a customers satisfaction globally as customers tend to possess those inns and services which are affordable and makes them comfortable (Chaffey, 2012). Hence, the initiative of using e-marketing to attract potential customers to the business is essential for profitability as well as to attain competitive advantage. Strategic Choices Forming strategic choices is desired for every organization which will benefit both customers and the company. Developing a platform to reach customers worldwide is desired to gain more potential customers from the target market by the Hotel Cremorne Point Manor. The company must offer various lucrative offers and discounts in the online platform which can be affordable in terms of market segmentation and will be benefit-able for the company as well. Promoting the brand via online platform is certainly profitable by using various platforms such as pay-per-clicks, social media, e-mails and other relevant platforms which will achieve a significant contact with its potential customers (Chaffey et al. 2009). Promoting the business in an online platform is only feasible when the company attains to provide quality product and services as well as satisfies its customers by implementing strategic choices which will benefit both the visitors and the Hotel Cremorne Point Manor. E-Marketing Initiatives Vary from one Critical Success Factor to the Next Building client association with accomplices is fundamental for any hotel business; it has not been another idea for the scholastic world. As stated by (Daz Koutra, 2013), numerous cases of various systems and client connection between suppliers and vendors in the exchanging history. For the hotel, Cremorne Point Manor client was viewed as a huge resource for any benefit association or non-benefit association. An amicable client relationship is an exceedingly focused edge for the organization in the market; regardless of from a piece of the pie see or from benefit perspective. An ever increasing number of associations move toward becoming client arranged which signifies that satisfaction of guests is the prime need for hotel Cremorne Point Manor to enhance their business (Dlodlo Dhurup, 2013). These associations begin to understand the significance of taking CRM into thought. E-marketing underlines a relationship involves a system, long haul improvement arranges inside the organiza tion. The hotel Cremorne Point Manor in promoting field has a predictable perspective that great advertising administration requires assembling long haul relationship. Various reports uncovered that it is more temperate to complete a maintenance methodology than to seek after a new client. Hence, it can be well said that taking e-marketing initiatives will significantly enhance the satisfaction of each guest with the assistance of social media and other online platforms (Eid El-Gohary, 2013). This will ensure that potential messages based on the hotel Cremorne Point Manor significantly reaches to the customers such as offers, discounts, etc. Fulfillment with the administration of hotel Cremorne Point Manor depends basically on the buyer's encounter, and simply in the wake of encountering the administration can the customer evaluate service quality. For inns specifically, the customer can survey numerous parts of hotels as it were subsequent to checking in, for example, the nature of the offices gave, the cleanliness of the rooms, and the kind disposition of the staff (Gangeshwer, 2013). In this manner, for some potential clients the pursuit furthermore, choice stage in choosing a settlement property will involve making a few evaluation about existing administration quality. Online audits offer customers understanding into the administration encounter without having to really be available. Negative audits can be particularly strong: the structure and substance of online surveys propose that complainants brought the pursuers into the experience by utilizing very engaging dialect, permitting pursuers to feel that they were re-living the experience. Benefit disappointments, which are breakdowns in the conveyance of administration that outcome in a deficit in meeting client benefit desires have a tendency to happen in the accommodation business on a genuinely general premise (Kavoura Katsoni, 2013). These disappointments frequently involve benefit quality concerns, reservation issues, and room settlement issues, and result in low consumer loyalty, an inclination to take part in negative informal, and a slant to change to different firms. Hence, e-marketing initiative has a huge impact on the product and service quality for the hotel Cremorne Point Manor. However, it must focus on maintaining the standards by serving efficiently to the customers for better review and feedback. In e-marketing initiative, hotel Cremorne Point Manor regularly focus on those client groupings with the most noteworthy penchant to get to, pick and purchase on the web (Krush et al. 2013). Segments for focusing on online are chosen which are most alluring as far as development and productivity. Assets are never adequate to create tantamount quality substance and administrations for all portions. Hotel Cremorne Point Manor can position their items with respect to contender offerings as per four principle factors: item quality, benefit quality, cost and satisfaction time in terms of e-marketing (Mohapatra, 2013). They recommend it is helpful to survey these as a condition of how they consolidate to impact client view of significant worth or brand. This will have a huge impact on the strategic choices developed by the company. The hotel has to develop such strategies that will enhance their business performance both online and offline platforms. The strategic choices will significantl y vary as per the demands of the customers while initiating e-marketing activities (Olson, Slater Hult, 2005). Hence, it can be said that each of the critical success factors varies from one another in terms of e-marketing initiatives. E-Marketing Initiative(s) Undermine the Selection of Critical Success Factors E-marketing initiative is useful in terms of reaching target customers at ease (International Journal of Hospitality Management). However, meeting with clients over the Internet is significantly less individual than meeting up close and personal. E-marketing in Hotel Cremorne Point Manor business diminishes the close interaction part of business connections. Specialists used to arrange in eateries and on fairways (Pantano Di Pietro, 2013). Today, the absence of physical vicinity diminishes conceptualizing and different correspondences that utilization an individual touch. This creates huge impact on satisfying guests as there can be times when the customer needs something and are provided something else. The online theft and frauds are increasing globally due to which customers are scared to use online platforms in terms of personal details and credit cards (Parker, 2010). The Hotel Cremorne Point Manor must use efficient strategies to fulfill the requirement of each guest which in turn will improve the sustainability of the business. Also, there can be few times when customers are offered discounts in the online platform but when they avail the services the offers does not meet the expectation which leaves a bad impression in terms of the hotel (Rahimnia Hassanzadeh, 2013). This occurs due to the inefficiency of internal management of the hotel and creates a huge impact on the visitors. Spam alludes to undesirable and spontaneous email messages. Spam is far reaching and impacts business, as indicated by (Harvard Business Review). There are times when e-marketing initiatives create spam email which is an exercise in futility, and spam channels can just do as such much. Clients of spam channels should then check for important email messages redirected erroneously as spam. This is a huge issue in terms of satisfaction of guests as well as service quality (Roberts Zahay, 2013). The services provided by e-marketing initiative are limited to such extent; hence the hotel Cremorne Point Manor must use appropriate means for proving quality products and services to the clients which in turn will significantly satisfy its customers. The offers that are displayed on online platforms must be fulfilled genuinely to gain more customer attraction as well as for attaining more referrals. The services provided by the hotel must be efficient and the managers must take initiatives to complete the desire of each customer which will earn more profitability for the business of hotel Cremorne Point Manor. Introducing e-marketing initiatives in the working environment sends the message to representatives that the hotel Cremorne Point Manor does not believe them, as indicated by (Cornell Hospitality Quarterly). Giving representatives duty, trust and regard support their resolve and efficiency. Communicating with them must efficiently do by the higher management as they might think that they are not trusted and will significantly emphasize in reductions spirit and employee efficiency (Strauss Frost, 2011). This is genuine paying little heed to the real explanations behind introducing this initiative. Hence, the strategic choices developed by the company must be formed with the collaboration and view of its employees as this will directly impact on their work efficiency. When a specific products or services are endorsed in the initiatives then it should be provided to the clients for their approval. Otherwise, these may also initiate conflicts and bad reputation for the hotel Cremorne Po int Manor (Saarijrvi, Kannan Kuusela, 2013). The privacy laws that are imposed by the legislative authorities may create few hazards in terms of strategic choices. The strategic choices made by them might differ from the point of view of clients which can also deprive the success factors eventually. Hence, it is desired by the company to form strategic choices in such a way that would satisfy its customers as well as be effective for the management of the company. This will significantly resolve the issues of varying choices which in turn will lead to profitability. Conclusion The review reasons that customers depend upon more than one medium with a specific end goal to upgrade their related information. It implies that they utilize the mix of different online platforms for settling on conclusive by choice. The significant advantages of internet advertising are its ability of cooperation amongst shoppers and publicists took after by accessibility of wide scope of data and simplicity of shopping. These advantages make web-based promoting unrivaled than customary advertising. In any case, in the meantime, customers are vulnerable about the client wellbeing side of the web. They feel that web-based promoting is dangerous as it might prompt increment in fakes and security issue. However, in the context of e-marketing initiatives; the success factors are significantly achieved which leads to business success in terms of the hotel Cremorne Point Manor. The success factors- guest satisfaction, strategic choices and quality products and services are well-establish ed in this report. There is significant issue that arises from the initiative as well which are illustrated widely in the above sections in terms of security, low communication and much more. However, it is evident that the initiative of e-marketing strategies will benefit the hotel Cremorne Point Manor and will critically lead to their success factors. Recommendation Hotel Cremorne Point Manor must blend and match different mediums to come to their craved target group of clients. This will spread mindfulness among them and impact purchasers conduct in this manner hotel Cremorne Point Manor can define e-marketing initiatives to handle greatest prospects. The organization must attain this favorable position and incorporate internet advertising in their promoting endeavors. E-marketing showcasing shapes can be predominantly web showcasing, E-trade, online networking advertising. Consumers discover certain advantages in e-marketing over conventional promoting; consequently, organizations can spend more on online media as opposed to the customary tools. Alongside its points of interest is towards promoting, as it significantly has certain restrictions moreover, confinements like the probability of frauds or protection issues are past control. Online platforms cannot be annihilated effectively or totally as it is prescribed that the hotel Cremorne Poin t Manor should not depend totally on e-marketing initiatives; they should make it a piece of a flexible and safe platform for various users. As a consequence of which confinements of e-marketing will be secured as the different mediums will assemble the required validity and positive picture about the hotel sake name. This believability will create trust among customers towards the brand which is profitable for the company. Reference List Books- Boone, L. E., Kurtz, D. L. (2013).Contemporary marketing. Cengage learning. Molenaar, C. (2013).E-marketing: Applications of information technology and the internet within marketing. Routledge. West, D., Ford, J., Ibrahim, E. 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